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By: Pooja Bhatti, British Columbia Institute of Technology, winner of the spring 2019 BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Italy and Austria

It’s been over two weeks since I’ve returned from my study abroad. A lot has changed. I don’t eat pasta and gelato for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I don’t see the amazing architecture of Europe or find myself exploring a new company or a new city. Things have gotten really quiet back home in Vancouver; this has provided me ample time to reflect on my experience.

Studying abroad was hard. It was difficult to balance having fun and getting homework done. It was incredibly hot in Europe, to the point wh...

Category: Student Blog
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By: Pooja Bhatti, British Columbia Institute of Technology, winner of the spring 2019 BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Italy and Austria

As I sit in a hotel in Italy, I reflect on how my time at the BCIT field school has been so far. I believe the best way I can describe it is like this: it has been amazing, but it has also been a little not so amazing.

I came into field school with no expectations. I heard from students that travelling abroad was going to be this incredible experience where you make the best of friends and come back a changed person, but what people don’t tell you are some of the downsides of studying abroad.


Category: Student Blog
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By: Porsche Campbell, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, winner of the spring 2019 BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: India

I’ve been in Kochi, India for just about weeks now; in this time I have immersed myself in the culture, the health care system and most importantly the people. I must say this experience, studying abroad in my chosen career path, has certainly brought about a new perspective to maternity nursing. The learning I have been able to achieve while at my placement hospital has certainly heightened my ability to provide care. It has been a challenge to accept the healthcare system here in India due to barriers such as unequal acce...

Category: Student Blog
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By: Jaimie Cryder, University of Victoria, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Europe

Without a doubt studying abroad has been the highlight of my undergrad. Over the last three weeks, I have had the opportunity to learn from experts in my field of interest; bond with my peers; and enjoy the unique cultural flourishes of each city I that I have visited. At the same time, studying abroad has not been cheap. After you make the initial investment in the course fees and plane ticket you don’t want to miss out on experiencing your destination because you are trying to pinch pennies. On the other hand, if you are not care...

Category: Student Blog
